Up-Cycling Workshop

At ALY Up-cycled, our mission is driven by a profound commitment to reducing waste and championing sustainability. Our purpose is to transform discarded materials, often deemed as waste, into exquisite creations that seamlessly blend beauty and functionality. By breathing new life into these materials, we aspire to contribute to a greener, more mindful world.

Central to our mission is the firm belief that the journey towards sustainability begins with awareness and engagement. Through our engaging up-cycling workshops, we invite individuals to witness the magic of repurposing firsthand. These workshops serve as immersive experiences, igniting the spark of creativity and inspiring participants to explore innovative ways of breathing life into discarded items. Our aim is not only to create stunning pieces but to also cultivate a mindset shift that values the potential inherent in every seemingly mundane material.

Moreover, these workshops serve a dual purpose. In addition to fostering creativity, they provide a platform for meaningful action. ALY Up-cycled actively seeks donations of discarded materials, such as denim and various other items, which are then lovingly up-cycled into new creations. This virtuous cycle of repurposing not only contributes to waste reduction but also encourages a community-driven approach to sustainability.

As we stitch together a tapestry of innovation and consciousness, ALY Up-cycled endeavors to spark a ripple effect that transcends individual workshops. Our vision extends beyond the creation of beautiful items; it encompasses the empowerment of communities to embrace a lifestyle where waste is reimagined, and the ordinary is transformed into the extraordinary. With each stitch and every creative endeavor, we are on a journey towards a future where waste finds purpose, and our planet thrives in harmony.

Click below to join our workshop.

  • Private at the Gray House

    Arrange a Private Upcycling Workshop hosted at our headquarters in Marikina. To facilitate this, we kindly request a minimum of six participants, with a maximum limit of ten attendees per session and 5 days advance notice

  • Mitsukoshi, BGC

    Join us at 2F Mitsukoshi Mall, BGC on December 9-10, 2023 Saturday from 11:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Very limited slots available

